Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Turkey jerky preparation and its co-packing

Ever thought of preparing turkey jerky meat in your oven at your home? Turkey jerky meat is one kind of dried meat which is trimmed of fat and oil that proves healthy and beneficial to health. Turkey jerky is called the king of jerky meat and is more popular than beef jerky based on foodie ratings. Jerky Meat available at the counters is expensive, so to get rid of the costs it is advisable to prepare it at home and in an oven. There are various methods of preparing turkey jerky. Some of them are:

Trim and discard the fat from the meat – To slice the turkey start with a boneless, skinless breast that is about two pounds. Freeze it for 30 minutes to firm it up a bit and then use a very sharp knife to slice it into thin strips.

Combining it with spices and other ingredients – Combine the chopped off turkey with spices and other ingredients which act as flavors.

Stir the mixture altogether and let it chill for at least four hours or overnight whichever seems good. Overnight freezing would let the meat retain its hardness for longer hours and maintain its composure.

After the freezing process has been carried out strain them to drain the extra marinade. Place them on a rod and heat them at 175Fahrenheit or a little more for 4 hours. The very low temp will basically cook the turkey but most of it just dry out.

After having this done you can bring it out and have it. This jerky would be fine in an airtight container at room temperature since its cured and dried, but it is recommend storing it in the fridge just to make sure it’s safe to eat. The company that brings this turkey jerky at your doorstep without hampering its state is called turkey jerky co-packer.