Monday, 12 September 2016

Homely Methods of Preservation of Jerky

Smoke and smoke seasoning
Smoking meat whether prepared in moisture or dry needs smoking to prohibit the growth of bacteria till the meat reaches its cooked stage. As you know smoke is acidic and once the meat becomes acidic there is no chance of any bacteria growth. It gives a distinctive taste. Earlier smoking was done for preservation unlike the present as it is done for taste. Whatever it may be, by smoking the meat the jerky packer assures that a strong natural preservative is included in the meat. This is strong enough to eliminate the use of chemicals. Other than the smoker when you are using an Excalibur liquid smoke is needed to achieve the preservative affect same as the physical smoke.

Soy Sauce based marinades
Whatever marinade you making using any spices but make sure it should be soy based marinade. This is another method used in jerky co-packing to omit the chemical preservatives. This has double punch, salt and acid making it work well. Immerse your meat in enough of it or coat the meat with the marinade until it is shines as dark brown.

Salt or salt and spices
Salt is the safest and king of all preservatives. For making jerky salt is the key player.  There is not much space to describe in details about the preservative quality of salt but you must know that it slows down the harmful bacteria growth. It slows down until the meat has reached the cooked stage a temperature which kills the bad germs. You must be looking forward for garlic and pepper as they are anti-oxidants. Yes, you are right these elements also reduce the bacterial growth but be clear that they can’t accomplish the preserving target alone, they just help. The best of using the salt is making a dry rub and then rubbing the meat completely before jerky co-packing. This is followed by making the meat sit overnight in a plastic bag or container. More salt in case of smoking or marking jerky and salt to taste in case of barbecue is to be considered.